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Organic Apple Vinegar!

Hello! This is Tenbusu Organic Market☆

Today, we’d like to introduce Muso’s Organic Apple Vinegar!

Made using only juice from organically grown apples, this pure apple vinegar is crafted carefully through traditional stationary fermentation. Certified under Organic JAS standards, it boasts a mild acidity and is a staple for Western-style cuisine. Perfect as an accent for dressings, marinades, or homemade mayonnaise, it can also be diluted with water and sweetened with honey to make a refreshing Vermont drink.

Apple vinegar is known for its health benefits thanks to its acetic acid content, which aids digestion, improves gut health, boosts immunity, alleviates fatigue, and helps manage blood sugar and blood pressure levels, as well as reducing swelling. Especially the unfiltered, unheated type is rich in yeast and enzymes, containing acetic acid bacteria called "the mother," which enhances its nutritional value. Enrich your everyday meals with this apple vinegar, filled with the blessings of nature!

Ingredients| Organic apple juice (Turkey)

Net Weight| 360ml


Awase Main Store

Address: 2-2-8 Hiyagon, Okinawa City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan

TEL|098-880-6866 Parking|6 cars

MAP CODE: 33 534 492*47


Naha branch

Address|1F Takara Apt. 2-23-20 Makishi, Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan

TEL|098-955-3599 Parking|5 cars

MAP CODE: 33 157 805*47


Open|Mon-Sat 9:30-18:30 (Sun & Holidays 11:00-16:00)

Closed|Basically no holidays


◆Start time of boxed lunch sales (tentative)

▷Awase Main Store around 10:30

▷Naha Branch around 11:30

◆Sun & Holidays [Bento & Bakery] Closed.

◆URL Search by Organic Market Tembusu

◆Net Shop

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